PowerST was unable to switch the monitor to 256 colours. Please change it manually in the Monitors control panel. The Hard Disk requires TOS 1.4 or later to work correctly. PowerST was unable to create the Hard Disk file. Sorry. The Hard Disk will be available the next time you run PowerST. Unable to open the requested link. Either Internet Config is not installed, or the helper application is not configured correctly. PowerST does not have a debugger (yet). Formatting the existing hard disk image. This file is not a disk image in a recognised format. PowerST currently only supports .ST and .MSA formats. This version of the hard disk driver is unregistered! The Atari ST application is trying to write a new boot sector. Some viruses spread this way. Should the write be allowed? PowerST was unable to locate the file "tos.img". Would you like to look for it? Quitting PowerST will cause all unsaved data to be lost. This change will reset the Atari ST. All unsaved data will be lost. Resetting the Atari ST will cause all unsaved data to be lost.